'Muc in for Hospice' events April 2004

Dublin Core


'Muc in for Hospice' events April 2004


Items related to the 'Muc in for Hospice' fundraising initiative in 2004 which aimed to raise funds for developing childrens hospice care. .


Items related to the 'Muc in for Hospice' initiative. The project was developed from an idea by Gavin Friday and artist Laurent Mellet. 'Muc' was an 8 foot flying pig that stood at the entrance to Dublin airport's terminal building for many years. Muc was used as the symbol for the 'Muc in for Hospice' campaign. The campaign involved a series of events to raise funds for the development of hospice care for sick children.
On 'Muc day' on April 1 2004 primary school children were encouraged to wear their Muc faces to school and secondary school children asked to have a 'mobile phone switch off day' to raise funds.


Irish Hospice Foundation


Irish Hospice Foundation


Irish Hospice Foundation


April 2004


All rights reserved

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Poster for 'Muc Day' April 1 2004
A poster for 'Muc day' on April 1 2004. Part of the 'Muc in for hospice' project which was developed from an idea by Gavin Friday and artist Laurent Mellet. .

Clown pictured with 'Muc' April 2004
Clown pictured with 'Muc' for 'Muc in for Hospice' day April 2004

Gavin Friday pictured with 'Muc' 2004
Gavin Friday pictured with 'Muc' the mascot of 'Muc in for hospice' day 2004

School children wear 'Muc' masks for 'Muc day' April 2004
School children pictured wearing 'muc' masks for 'Muc day' April 2004. The fundraising day for childrens hospice services encouraged school children to wear their Muc faces to school.

Poster for Muc day for hospice April 2005
Poster for the second 'Muc day' for hospice April 2005
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