‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, book and launch February 2006
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‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, book and launch February 2006
In February 2006 the Irish Hospice Foundation launched Jerusha Mc Cormack’s book “grieving: a beginner’s guide”
Writter by Dr Jerusha Hull McCormack, retired UCD English lecturer, the book addresses the sudden death of her husband.
The book was officially launched at the Irish Hospice Foundation’s offices by Senator Mary O’Rourke on February 2 2006.
Writter by Dr Jerusha Hull McCormack, retired UCD English lecturer, the book addresses the sudden death of her husband.
The book was officially launched at the Irish Hospice Foundation’s offices by Senator Mary O’Rourke on February 2 2006.
Author: Dr, Jerusha Hull McCormack
Irish Hospice Foundation.
Launched: 2nd of February, 2006.
Author: Dr. Jerusha Hull McCormack
Launched by: Senator Mary O’Rourke
Irish Hospice Foundation.
Launched by: Senator Mary O’Rourke
Irish Hospice Foundation.
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©Irish Hospice Foundation
Collection Items
Launch of ' ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, 2006 (13 Images)
Images from the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, from February 2006.
Invitation to the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Copy of invitation to the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Invitation to Senator Mary O'Rourke to attend and launch ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Copy of invitation sent to Senator Mary O'Rourke to attend and launch, ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack
Press Release for ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Copy of press release from the Irish Hospice Foundation promoting ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Invitation to 'Grieving a beginners guide' by Jersuha Mc Cormack launch by Senator Mary O Rourke Feb 2 2006
Jpeg image of an original Invitation sent out for the launch of 'Grieving a beginners guide' by Jersuha Mc Cormack by Senator Mary O Rourke Feb 2 2006