Special 'death, dying and bereavement' edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.

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Special 'death, dying and bereavement' edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.


Death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an irish quarterly review" published in December 2009.


Collection details: In December 2009 a special issue of the journal Studies; an Irish quarterly review was launched in the Irish Hospice Foundation by RTE’s Michael O’ Muircheartaigh.
The edition (Vol 98 Is 392) focused on dying, death and bereavement and featured articles by Irish Hospice Foundation staff and patrons examining death and end-of-life issues in Ireland.
Articles included:
• ‘Planning your death while alive’ by Gabriel Byrne, patron of the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Forum on End of life
• ‘Forum on end-of-life’ by Bob Carroll of the IHF Forum on end-of-life
• ‘A good death in an Irish Hospital’ by Denis Doherty Irish Hospice Foundation board member
• ‘Hospice care: saving the tax payers’ money’ by Eugene Murray CEO of the Irish Hospice Foundation
• ‘Developing a supportive policy for end of life’ by Mervyn Taylor, manager of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals programme

Collection Items

Death, dying and bereavement edition of Studies: an Irish Quarterly Review. December 2009.

The launch of the death, dying and bereavement edition of Studies; An Irish Quarterly Review.
A death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an irish Quarterly Review. December 2009

The launch of the Death, dying and bereavement edition of Studies; an Irish Quarterly review. December 2009.
Eugene Murray and Fr Fergus O Donoghue at the launch of Death, dying and bereavement edition of Studies; an Irish Quarterly review. December 2009.

Special death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review", December 2009.
Micheal O'Muircheartaigh, Eugene Murray and Denis Doherty at the launch of the death, dying and bereavement edition of Studies; an Irish quarterly Review.

Launch of a special death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review." December 2009.
Micheal O'Muircheartaigh at the launch of a special death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review." December 2009.

Launch of a special death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review." December 2009.
Micheal O'Muircheartaigh, Eugene Murray and ..... at the launch of a special death, dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review." December 2009.

Launch of the special death dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.
Micheal O'Muircheartaigh and Caroline Lynch and Fr Fergus O'Donoghue at the launch of the special death dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.

Launch of the special death dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.
Launch of the special death dying and bereavement edition of "Studies; an Irish quarterly review" December 2009.
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