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Avril Burgess and Eugene Murray at launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, book and launch February 2006
Images from the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack, from February 2006.

Invitation to the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Copy of invitation to the launch of ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.

Invitation to Senator Mary O'Rourke to attend and launch ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.
Copy of invitation sent to Senator Mary O'Rourke to attend and launch, ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack

Press Release for ‘Grieving a beginner’s guide by Jerusha Mc Cormack..pdf
Copy of press release from the Irish Hospice Foundation promoting ‘Grieving: a beginner’s guide’ by Jerusha Mc Cormack.

Invitation to 'Grieving a beginners guide' by Jersuha Mc Cormack launch by Senator Mary O Rourke Feb 2 2006.jpg
Jpeg image of an original Invitation sent out for the launch of 'Grieving a beginners guide' by Jersuha Mc Cormack by Senator Mary O Rourke Feb 2 2006
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