Browse Items (1665 total)

Dr Mary Redmond with her Dad Séan.jpg
Photograph of Mary Redmond with her father Dr John (Sean) Redmond in the early 1980's

Justice Catherine Mc Guinness and Taoiseach Enda Kenny display a Think Ahead form at the launch of phase 2 July 2014.jpg
Photographs of the launch of phase two of the 'Think Ahead' programme in July 2014

Flyer for talk 'End of Life Care Around the World' by Prof David Clarke 28.11.2006.pdf
Dr Elaine Kasket speaking to the Irish Childhood Bereavement Conference on Oct 4 2014 about social media and children's bereavement

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Award for Excellent in Healthcare Management. 2010.jpg
A photograph of the Irish Healthcare Award presented to the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme in 2010

A powerpoint presentation on the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot including statistics on patient deaths at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

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Sharon Foley & Kirana Bhagwan Hospice Uganda Premier Nov 2011.jpg
IHF CEO Sharon Foley & Kirana Bhagwan Hospice at Hospice Uganda Premier, No Country for Old Men, Nov 2011.

Maura Dunne (left) Muriel Keegan (right) premier Hospice Uganda Nov 2011.jpg
Maura Dunne (left) and Muriel Keegan (right) premier Hospice Uganda November 2011.

Marie Lynch (right) premier hospice Uganda Nov 2011.jpg
Marie Lynch Head of Healthcare Programmes (right) at the premier of the Irish Hospice Foundation's premier of Hospice Uganda, No Country for Old Men, 17 November, 2011.

Eugene Murray (far right) director Hospice Uganda premier Nov 2011.jpg
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