Browse Items (30 total)

Letter from Fionan O'Cuinneagain (Irish College of General Practitioners) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCD medical school
A letter from Fionan O'Cuinneagain of the Irish College of General Practitioners, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula of the college's medical programmes, dated July 27, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from Irish Hospice Foundation CEO Vincent Kenny to Sister Bernadette McMahon relating to Kilmore West site, 1988.
A letter from I.H.F CEO Vincent Kenny to Sister Bernadette McMahon, discussing the possibility of using a site in Kilmore West to build the proposed hospice. A variety of community and health and safety issues are mentioned in relation to the…

Letter from M.G.T. Webb (TCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at TCD medical school
A letter from M.G.T. Webb, professor at Trinity College Dublin Department of Psychiatry, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula in TCD medical programmes, dated August 01, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from Mary Redmond to Donal Nevin General Secretary ICTU following meeting - Dated 18 April 1988.jpg
A letter written by Mary Redmond to Donal Nevin General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions dated April 18 1988. The brief letter thanks Mr Nevin for their recent meeting

Letter from Therese Brady (UCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCD medical school
A letter from Therese Brady of the Department of Logic and Psychology at University College Dublin, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula of UCD medical programmes, dated August 19, 1988. Letter is in…

Letter from Therese Brady to fellow IHF Research Committee member Nicholas O'Conor regarding correspondence with medical school faculty
A letter from Therese Brady, member of the Irish Hospice Foundation Research Committee, to IHF Research Committee Chairman Nicholas O'Conor regarding (among other things) the responses he had received to a letter sent to medical school faculty in…

Letter of thanks for the success of the Rare Wines Gala
A letter of thanks from Dr. Mary Redmond to Ms. Oona McKiernan. The letter thanks Oona for both her work and support in the organising of the fundraising, and for donating a wine to be auctioned.

Letter to Research Committee regarding revised agenda for meeting, 26-08-88
A letter to Research Committee members regarding a revised agenda for the upcoming meeting, in order to discuss Control of Clinical Trials Act. Letter dated August 26, 1988.

Mary Redmond, Sister Annette, Sister Bernadette and Sister Dorothy
Image of Dr. Mary Redmond, Sister Annette, Sister Bernadette and Sister Dorothy involved in St. Francis Hospice.

Memorandum to Research Committee members regarding agenda for next meeting, 04-10-88
A memorandum to members of the Irish Hospice Foundation Research Committee regarding the agenda for the meeting planned for October 11, 1988, dated October 04, 1988. The agenda is included in the memorandum.
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