Browse Items (27 total)

Weafer et al (2004) 'A nationwide survey of public attitudes and experiences regarding death and dying'.pdf
Report on a survey commissioned by the Irish Hospice Foundation into national attitudes to death dying and bereavement. The study was undertaken by Dr John Weafer and published in November 2004. It was the first survey of its kind undertaken on the…

Higher Diploma in Bereavement Studies, Course Profile, 2004.pdf
Copy of the course profile for Higher Diploma in Bereavement Studies, 2004.

Sunflower Day, 2004.
Promotional image for Sunflower Day 2004.

The Irish Hospice Foundation announces the world-wide launch of ‘Peter & The Wolf’ in Dublin City Hall on 1st October 2003
Press releases promoting the launch of the Peter and the Wolf project, 2003.

Children's Hospice Ball 2004 Pictured - Brendan & Jane McKenna, Derek Davis, Avril and Eugene Murray.jpg
Brendan & Jane McKenna, founders of Laura Lynn Children's Hospice, Derek Davis RTE, Avril Murray and Eugene Murray, CEO of Irish Hospice Foundation. Picture taken at Children's Hospice Ball in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. November 13 2004

Muc for Hospice.JPG
School children pictured wearing 'muc' masks for 'Muc day' April 2004. The fundraising day for childrens hospice services encouraged school children to wear their Muc faces to school.

Gavin Friday with Muc.JPG
Gavin Friday pictured with 'Muc' the mascot of 'Muc in for hospice' day 2004

Clown with Muc.JPG
Clown pictured with 'Muc' for 'Muc in for Hospice' day April 2004

Poster 'Muc Day' for Hospice 1 April 2004.jpg
A poster for 'Muc day' on April 1 2004. Part of the 'Muc in for hospice' project which was developed from an idea by Gavin Friday and artist Laurent Mellet. .

Hospice Friendly Hospitals Pilot Project-case study..pdf
A report of the pilot project of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, 2004-2006.
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