Browse Items (27 total)

Press release for publication of 'A nationwide survey of public attitudes and experiences regarding death and dying' Nov 29 2004.pdf
Full press release issued on the publication of the report 'A nationwide survey of public attitudes and experiences regarding death and dying'. This report outlined the results of the first nationwide survey on attitudes to death in Ireland and was…

Weafer et al (2004) 'A nationwide survey of public attitudes and experiences regarding death and dying'.pdf
Report on a survey commissioned by the Irish Hospice Foundation into national attitudes to death dying and bereavement. The study was undertaken by Dr John Weafer and published in November 2004. It was the first survey of its kind undertaken on the…

Dr. Mary Redmond speech given at inaugural Mary Redmond Day Lecture.
A speech given by Dr. Mary Redmond at the inaugural Mary Redmond Day Lecture, including a handwritten note to her mother.

Higher Diploma in Bereavement Studies, Course Profile, 2004.pdf
Copy of the course profile for Higher Diploma in Bereavement Studies, 2004.

Terms of Reference - Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot 2004-2006
The terms of reference for the steering committee of the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot 2004-2006

Flyer for Care for people dying in Hospitals pilot.pdf
A Flyer for Care for people dying in Hospitals pilot 2004-2006 - a two year pilot at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Co Louth.

Press release for childrens hospice care ball.pdf
Press release issued after the first Children’s Hospice Care Ball which took place on Saturday, 13th November in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin.
Release written by Anne Marie Butler of Irish Hospice Foundation

childrens hospice ball poster.jpg
Poster for the first Children’s Hospice Care Ball, The event was sponsored by SAP, and took place on Saturday, November 13th 2004 in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. .

List of Items Auctioned at childrens hospice Ball
Detailed list of the items auctioned at the children's hospice ball November 13 2004.
They include holiday resort rentals, flights hotel stays and limited edition 'Peter & the Wolf' prints signed by Bono.

Poster 'Muc Day' for Hospice 1 April 2004.jpg
A poster for 'Muc day' on April 1 2004. Part of the 'Muc in for hospice' project which was developed from an idea by Gavin Friday and artist Laurent Mellet. .
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