Browse Items (27 total)

Weafer et al (2004) 'A nationwide survey of public attitudes and experiences regarding death and dying'.pdf
Report on a survey commissioned by the Irish Hospice Foundation into national attitudes to death dying and bereavement. The study was undertaken by Dr John Weafer and published in November 2004. It was the first survey of its kind undertaken on the…

A powerpoint presentation on the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot including statistics on patient deaths at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

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Adults Grieving the Death of a Parent.
Bereavement leaflets dealing with different aspects and forms of grief, produced between the years 2002-2006.

Care for people Dying in Hospitals Pilot 2004-2006
An outline of the steering committee for the Care for People in Hospitals Pilot 2004-2006

Caroline Pfeiffer, Library and Information Manager, 2003-2009
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Chair of the Irish Hospice Foundation Board, Michael O' Reilley and Health Minister Michael Martin, launch the Therese Brady Library, 2004
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Clown with Muc.JPG
Clown pictured with 'Muc' for 'Muc in for Hospice' day April 2004

Dr. Mary Redmond speech given at inaugural Mary Redmond Day Lecture.
A speech given by Dr. Mary Redmond at the inaugural Mary Redmond Day Lecture, including a handwritten note to her mother.

Eugene Murray Irish Hospice Foundation CEO, Health Minister Michael Martin and Irish Hospice Foundation Board Chair Michael O'Reilly at the launch of the Irish Hospice Foundation website, 2004
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Flyer for Care for people dying in Hospitals pilot.pdf
A Flyer for Care for people dying in Hospitals pilot 2004-2006 - a two year pilot at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Co Louth.
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