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Zest 2009 Flyer
Variety of advertising material used to promote the Zest!Cookbook

Zest!Cookbook, open with a meal.
Images of the Zest! Cookbook being read, with prepared recipes, and opened to various pages

Zest!Cookbook alternative cover.
A variety of alternative covers considered for the Zest!Cookbook

PublishingPage 9 Nov.pdf
Variety of extracts from the Zest!Cookbook, and quotes from press related to its launch

Proposal for cookbook project
Materials from the creation of the Zest!Cookbook, a book published in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation featuring recipes from 62 top Irish restaurants.

Apple streusel cake
Recipes and photos of dishes featured in the Zest!Cookbook.

Honoured Guests, Honoured Places: An essay by Ken Worpole to Promote Discussion on the issues of Design and Dignity for the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme.
Works addressing issues of space and how the physical environment in which an individual dies can influence their experience.

Allen Kellehear at Forum on End-of-Life conference in Fitzwilliam Hotel.
Images of Allen Kellehear attending and speaking at the 2009 Forum on End-of-Life Conferences, held at the Fitzwilliam Hotel, on September 16, 2009. The forum on end-of-life in Ireland aimed to engage the Irish public in a national conversation about…
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