Browse Items (57 total)

Key Performance Indicators for End-of-Life-Care.pdf
Research on place of care and death in Ireland

Jo Hockley - Using-action-research-as-a-change-model-in-palliative-care.pdf
Powerpoint presentation delivered by Jo Hockley at the palliative care for al 'Bridging the gap' conference, September 2012. The presentation is titled 'Using action research as a change model in palliative-care' September 2012

End-of-Life Care Map 2nd edition  2012.pdf
Thirteen page guide for staff dealing with end-of-life care. 2012 Version.

The 2012 Director's Report and Financial Statement of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Impact of Caring for Infants and Children who Die: helping staff cope with grief and build resistance
A flyer promoting a bereavement workshop being run by Professor Danai Papadatou, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Athens

Audience at the 2012 annual bereavement public information evening.
Since 2012 the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Team have hosted an annual public information evening titled ‘Living with loss’. The event takes place in early November and features talks on bereavement. Representatives from bereavement support…

Orla Keegan speaking at the 2012 annual bereavement public information evening.
Since 2012 the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Team have hosted an annual public information evening titled ‘Living with loss’. The event takes place in early November and features talks on bereavement. Representatives from bereavement support…

Representative of 'The Bereavement Counselling Service' at the 2012 annual bereavement public information evening.
Since 2012 the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Team have hosted an annual public information evening titled ‘Living with loss’. The event takes place in early November and features talks on bereavement. Representatives from bereavement support…

Dr. Tom Inglis and Dr. Tony Bates at the 2012 annual bereavement public information evening.
Since 2012 the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Team have hosted an annual public information evening titled ‘Living with loss’. The event takes place in early November and features talks on bereavement. Representatives from bereavement support…

Dr. Tony Bates, psychologist and CEO at 'Headstrong - The National Centre for Youth Mental Health' at the 2012 annual bereavement public information evening
Since 2012 the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Team have hosted an annual public information evening titled ‘Living with loss’. The event takes place in early November and features talks on bereavement. Representatives from bereavement support…
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