Browse Items (33 total)

The-Irish-Childhood-Bereavement-Network-overview.-C.Deane_  (AHN 29, March 2015).pdf
Presentation delivered at the March 2015 meeting of the Acute Hospital Network

End-of-life-care-guideline-overview.-R.Logan (AHN 28, March 2015).pdf
Presentation delivered by R. Logan (University Hospital Waterford)

Collecting-information-about-deaths-in-single-rooms-examples.-D.-OCoimin-D.-Casey (AHN 27,March 2015).pdf
Presentation by Diarmuid Ó Coimín and Denis Casey at the March 2015 meeting of the Acute Hospital Network

Briefing-on-Advance-Care-Planning.-D.Shanager-A.Edghill-Irish-Hospice-Foundation (AHN 26, November 2014).pdf
Presentation by Angela Edghill and Deirdre Shanagher at the Acute Hospitals Network Meeting, November

HFH-Network-Agenda-17-June-2014 (AHN 25 June 2014).pdf
Agenda of Acute Hospital Network Meeting June 2014 (part of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Network)

Design-Dignity-Mayo-Hospital-Family-Room (AHN 16, June 2014).pdf
Presentation by Mayo General Hospital at the Acute Hospital Network Meeting (June 2014) on changes made following a grant from Design & Dignity

Presentation-on-Advance-Healthcare-Directives-Patricia-Rickard-Clark (AHN 22, June 2014).pdf
Presentation by Patricia Rickard-Clarke at Acute Hospital Network Meeting June 2014

Presentation-on-DNAR-Policy-Dublin-June-2014 (AHN 20, June 2014).pdf
Presentation by Shaun O'Keeffe (Galway University Hospital) at the June 2014 meeting of the Acute Hospital Network

Design-Dignity-Mercy-Hospital-Cork (AHN 15, June 20140.pdf
Presentation delivered by Margaret McKiernan at Acute Hospital Network June 2014
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