Browse Items (33 total)

Hospice Friendly Hospitals Acute Hospital Network
The Acute Hospital Network was set up in 2010 and is the cornerstone of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals (HFH) Programme. The aim of the network is to support End-of-Life Care Committees in hospitals to implement the Quality Standards for End-of-Life…

Complete Leaflet explaining Hospice Friendly Hospitals
Research and promotional materials explaining the Hospital Friendly Hospitals Hub, and the work of the programme in general.

Acute Hospital Network Information.
Description of the work of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Acute Hospitial Network.

Presentation-on-results-of-the-Irish-national-audit-of-dementia-care-in-acute-hospitals (ACH 4, March 2014).pdf
Presentation by Anna de Siun at the Acute Hospital Network Meeting, March 2014

Presentation-on-fundraising-for-end-of-life-care-in-hospitals (ACH 5, March 2014).pdf
Presentation at the March 2014 Acute Hospital Network Meeting

Presentation-on-national-consent-policy (ACN 7, March 2014).pdf
Presentation delivered at the March 2014 Acute Hospital Network Meeting

Presention-on-compassion-awards (AHN 8, March 2014).pdf
Presentation delivered at the Acute Hospital Network Meeting March 2014

Presentation-on-post-mortem-standards (AHN 9, March 2014).pdf
Presentation by Beaumont Hospital at the Acute Hospital Network Meeting, March 2014

Highlights-from-HFH-progress-reports-March-2014 (AHN 11, March 2014).pdf
Presentation delivered at the Acute Hospital Network Meeting, March 2014
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