Browse Items (5 total)

Briefing-on-Advance-Care-Planning.-D.Shanager-A.Edghill-Irish-Hospice-Foundation (AHN 26, November 2014).pdf
Presentation by Angela Edghill and Deirdre Shanagher at the Acute Hospitals Network Meeting, November

Presentation-on-Advance-Healthcare-Directives-Patricia-Rickard-Clark (AHN 22, June 2014).pdf
Presentation by Patricia Rickard-Clarke at Acute Hospital Network Meeting June 2014
Dr Brendan O Shea addressing a public meeting on advance care planning on February 27th 2014. He outlines an acceptability study carried out in GP practice on using the 'Think Ahead' form as a tool to record wishes for end-of-life care.

Personal submission - Advice and support of advance directives.pdf
A submission stressing the importance of advance directives made by a survivor of a life-threatening illness.
This short piece film explains the 'Think Ahead' form and the importance of thinking about furure care in case of accident, emergency or serious illness. The purpose of the 'Think Ahead' project is to develop a system to guide members of the public…
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