Browse Items (4 total)

Jo Hockley - Using-action-research-as-a-change-model-in-palliative-care.pdf
Powerpoint presentation delivered by Jo Hockley at the palliative care for al 'Bridging the gap' conference, September 2012. The presentation is titled 'Using action research as a change model in palliative-care' September 2012

Rory O Donnell and Patricia White - Advanced-Respiratory-Disease-Action-Research-Project-Findings.pdf
Powerpoint presentation titled 'advanced respiratory disease action research project findings' delivered by Dr Rory O’Donnell (Respiratory Consultant, St James’s Hospital) and Dr Patricia White (Research Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation) at the…

Karen Ryan - Findings from Heart-Failure-Action-Research-Project.pdf
Dr Karen Ryan
Palliative Medicine Consultant, Mater Misericordiae Hospital and St Francis Hospice; and Clinical Lead for Palliative Care HSE Powerpoint presentation 'Findings from palliative care action research projects: heart failure

Scott Murray - Relevance-of-palliative-care-for-diseases-other-than-cancer.pdf
Presentation delivered by Professor Scott A. Murray
St Columba’s Chair of Primary Palliative Care, University of Edinburgh. Presentation titled 'Relevance of the palliative care approach for diseases other than cancer' .
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