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Conversations-at-End-of-Life-Bryan-Nolan Maintaining Hope to the End Forum 20150.pdf
Presentation by Bryan Nolan at End of Life Forum 2015

Opening Remarks by Bryan Nolan to the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children
Opening remarks by Bryan Nolan to the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children. Between October 24th and 14th November 2013 the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children, held a series of public hearings chaired by Jerry Buttimer TD…

Briefing document: 'Staff Development on End-of-Life Care'
Briefing document by Bryan Nolan to the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children. Between October 24th and 14th November 2013 the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children, held a series of public hearings chaired by Jerry Buttimer TD…

Bryan Nolan speaks
Bryan Nolan delivers a speech during 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Iain White / Fennell Photography

Living with Loss 2015 speakers and hosts
Representatives from Fanagans Funeral Care pose with speakers Jane Mc Kenna, Orla Keegan, Bryan Nolan, Dr. Susan Delaney and Breffni McGuinness at 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.

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