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Day 3 - IHF Dublin to Paris cycle July 2011
Day 3 of the Dublin to Paris 600 km journey. Dublin to Paris cycle July 2011

Sunflower days 2012 launch
Pictured at the Mansion House for the launch of Sunflower days; Sharon Foley, Chief Executive Irish Hospice Foundation with her daughter Sadbh age 9, from Portlaoise.

Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Sunflower days 2012 launch
Mary Kennedy, Television Presenter with from left, Samara Jones, age 10, from Killiney, Tara O'Sullivan age 10 from Glasnevin and Sadbh O' Farrell, age 9 from Portlaoise.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Sunflower days 2012 launch
Pictured at the Mansion House for the launch of Sunflower days are; Sharon Foley, Chief Executive Irish Hospice Foundation with Mary Kennedy from RTE's Nationwide and Tara O' Sullivan age 10, from Glasnevin.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Sunflower days 2012 launch
The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) announced that the national Sunflower Days 2012 collection for local hospice services will take place on Friday June 8th and Saturday, June 9th and urged the public to continue to give generously to support hospice…

Launch of Sunflower Days May 11 2011
Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin and Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney help to launch Sunflower Days 2011. Sunflower Days 2011 took place on 10 and 11th June.
Irish Pride were the sponsor
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Launch of Sunflower Days May 11 2011
Irish Pride Hospice Heroes from throughout Ireland with the help of Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin, launched Sunflower Days 2011.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Launch of Sunflower Days May 11 2011
RTE's Mary Kennedy is joined by Irish Pride Hospice Heroes from throughout Ireland and Sunflower girls Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin to launch Sunflower Days 2011.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Mary Kennedy with Sharon Foley CEO Irish Hospice Foundation, joined by Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin, to launch Sunflower Days 2011
RTE's Mary Kennedy with Sharon Foley CEO Irish Hospice Foundation is joined by Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin, to launch Sunflower Days 2011.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells

Sunflower girls, Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin, launch Sunflower Days May 25 2011
Samara Jones age 9, from Killiney and Tara O' Sullivan age 9 from Glasnevin, launch Sunflower Days 2011.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells
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