Browse Items (37 total)

Design, Dignity and Cost-Effectiveness at the End of Life Care in Hospital: a review of the literature.
A literature review relating to writings on end of life care in hospitals.

Vivienne Jupp, Sharon Foley, Jean McKiernan at The Gathering book launch in NYC
Photos of the launch of The Gathering: Reflections on Ireland book in New York City, New York, USA on November 12, 2013.

Design-Dignity-Diarmuid-Ó-Coimín-Mater-Hospital-St-Brigids-Ward-Family-Room-June-2014 (AHN 17, June 2014).pdf
Presentation by Diarmuid Ó Coimín at the June 2014 Acute Hospital Network Meeting about refurbishments in the Mater hospital due to the Design & Dignity Project

Highlights-from-HFH-progress-reports-May-2014 (AHN 24, JUne 2014).pdf
A handout summarizing progress made in relation to implementing hospice friendly hospitals quality standards in various hospitals

Honoured Guests, Honoured Places: An essay by Ken Worpole to Promote Discussion on the issues of Design and Dignity for the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme.
Works addressing issues of space and how the physical environment in which an individual dies can influence their experience.
Short video giving an introduction to the Design and dignity programme. Features an introduction by Seamus Heaney

Poster for a Design and Dignity Public Lecture on the Case for Renewing our Public Hospitals
Posters and schedule for a lecture on 'Design and Dignity' with professor Roger Ulrich and chaired by Gabriel Byrne. The lecture took place on June 19th in St Ann's church Dawson Street Dublin.
Short video detailing the development of a new mortuary in Mercy University Hospital Cork through the Irish Hospice Foundation's Hospice Friendly Hospital's Design & Dignity project.
Short video details the creation of the new bereavement suites in St James's Hospital Dublin. The suites give families a quiet, private space when they receive bad news.

Professor Cillian Twomey at the launch of Design and Dignity baseline review.
Image of Professor Twomey (left) at the launch of Design and Dignity review.
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