Browse Items (37 total)

End of life changes in RHD.pdf
A presentation on end of life care changes in the Royal Hospital Donnybrook as a result of design and dignity programme
Short video details the creation of the new bereavement suites in St James's Hospital Dublin. The suites give families a quiet, private space when they receive bad news.
Short animation detailing how the Irish Hospice Foundation's 'Design & Dignity' project aims to provide comforting places and private spaces for people facing the end of life and their loved ones.
Short video giving an introduction to the Design and dignity programme. Features an introduction by Seamus Heaney

Poster for a Design and Dignity Public Lecture on the Case for Renewing our Public Hospitals
Posters and schedule for a lecture on 'Design and Dignity' with professor Roger Ulrich and chaired by Gabriel Byrne. The lecture took place on June 19th in St Ann's church Dawson Street Dublin.

Design-Dignity-Mercy-Hospital-Cork (AHN 15, June 20140.pdf
Presentation delivered by Margaret McKiernan at Acute Hospital Network June 2014

Design, Dignity and Cost-Effectiveness at the End of Life Care in Hospital: a review of the literature.
A literature review relating to writings on end of life care in hospitals.

Hospice Friendly Hospitals article.
Publications giving an account of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme.

Gabriel Byrne attending the Launch of Hospice Friendly Hospitals Design & Dignity programme in Mater Hospital
Gabriel Byrne, attending the Mater Hospital with staff involved in the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme.
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