Browse Items (26 total)
A video introducing the concepts of advance care planning and starting conversations about your wishes for end-of-life care. The video features physicians involved with the Irish Hospice Foundation's Hospice Friendly Hospitals programme discussing…

A diagram outlining the four areas of importance in end of life care.

End-of-Life Care Map 2nd edition  2012.pdf
Thirteen page guide for staff dealing with end-of-life care. 2012 Version.

End of Life Care Map (2013 version).pdf
Thirteen page map designed for staff involved in any aspect of end-of-life care. 2013 version.

Key Performance Indicators for End-of-Life-Care.pdf
Research on place of care and death in Ireland

Dying and Death in an Acute Hospital : Exploring the Views and Experiences of Hospital Staff.
A document exploring the results of focus group discussions undertaken with the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital as part of the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Project.

Fostering a Culture of Effectiveness in Care at End of Life through Practice Development: Report on the Introductory Practice Development Summer School.
A report on the experience at a practice development summer school with a focus on how to develop effective tools and procedures when dealing with end of life care.

End OfLife care for older people in acute and long stay care settings in Ireland.pdf
A report of the proceedings from the April 2008 Seminar End-of-Life Care for Older People in Acute and Long Stay Care Settings in Ireland

Images from the launch of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Ethical Framework on End-of-Life
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