Brendan & Jane McKenna, founders of Laura Lynn Children's Hospice, Derek Davis RTE, Avril Murray and Eugene Murray, CEO of Irish Hospice Foundation. Picture taken at Children's Hospice Ball in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. November 13 2004
Sharon Foley of the Irish Hospice Foundation and Jane Mc Kenna of LauraLynn Children's Hospice, pose together during 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Iain White / Fennell Photography
Representatives from Fanagans Funeral Care pose with speakers Jane Mc Kenna, Orla Keegan, Bryan Nolan, Dr. Susan Delaney and Breffni McGuinness at 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Jane Mc Kenna, founder of LauraLynn Children's Hospice, delivers a speech during the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Iain White / Fennell Photography
Jane Mc Kenna, founder of LauraLynn Children's Hospice, delivers a speech during 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Copyright Fennell Photography 2015
Iain White / Fennell Photography
Jane Mc Kenna of LauraLynn Children's Hospice delivers a speech during 'Living with Loss', the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening on November 05, 2015.
Iain White / Fennell Photography