Browse Items (3 total)

Access to specialist palliative care services & place of death in Ireland.pdf
Perspective series report two, 'Access to Specialist Palliative Care Services and Place of Death in Ireland - what the Data Tells Us'. The report analysed information from the Health Service Executive's (HSE) Minimum Data Set for Palliative Care and…

Enabling More People to Die at Home.pdf
This report explores the best ways of providing simple metrics to measure success in meeting the preference of more people to be cared for and die in a home setting, thus reducing the number of patients dying in acute hospitals. IHF perspectives…

The GatheringBook - Sample Extract September 2013.pdf
This sample extract contains 16 pages of The Gathering book, including contributions by Bono, Moya Doherty, Pat Shortt, Katie Taylor and more.
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