The Thank You Book was published by the Irish Hospice Foundation in October 2010. The book is in journal format and was aimed to act as a place to practice the act of gratitude. It also features messages of gratitude from Irish and international…
Flyers, promotional posters and other marketing materials for The Gathering: Reflections on Ireland, a book published by the Irish Hospice Foundation in 2013.
A short video highlighting the importance of personal, dignified spaces for patients and families at the end of life. Families reflect on personal experiences of the death of a loved on in an Irish Hospital and how improvements to hospital design…
Copy of fax letter from Seamus Heaney to Marie Donnelly; encloses a revised version of his introduction; thinks it best ‘to get something like a final version’ to her; ts. with autograph signature, 1 page, 18 March 1998, with note attached, ‘this is…