Browse Items (48 total)

Personal submission - advice on end-of-life care.pdf
A submission giving advice on end-of-life issues to the Forum on end-of-life written by a nurse and former family carer.

Personal submission - ways to develop palliative care facilities.pdf
A submission to the Forum on end of life in Ireland discusses ways to develop palliative care facilities.

Personal submission - patient wishes at end-of-life.pdf
Forum on end-of-life

Personal submission - partners death, poor communication.pdf
Communication surrounding the death of a partner is discussed in a 2009 submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Personal submission - zen buddist approach to death and dying.pdf
A submission discussing Zen Buddist approach to death and dying to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland following a call to the general public in 2009.

Personal Submission-Sister's death and billing by hospital
A woman describes getting a bill from A&E after her sister's death in a submission to the Forum on end of life in Ireland.

Anonymous-Story 1.pdf
A member of the general public recalls the deaths of relatives in public hospitals in a submission to the Forum on end-of-life

Anonymous - Story 12.pdf
A parent recounts the death of a child in hospital following a road accident in submission to Forum on end-of life in 2009.

Anonymous - Story 7 - death of child following leukaemia.pdf
Death of a six year old girl with acute leukaemia recalled in 2009 submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Personal submission - Summary of fourth year student nurses’ views and experiences of caring for dying palliative patients in acute care.pdf
A fourth year student nurse gives their views and experiences of caring for dying palliative patients in acute care in a 2009 submission to the Forum on end of life in Ireland.
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