Browse Items (48 total)

Personal submission - death of mother in hospital.pdf
The death of a mother in hospice is recounted in a 2009 submission to the Forum on End-of Life in Ireland.

personal submission - death of father.pdf
The "medieval" death of a father in an Irish hospital is recalled in this submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Personal submission - 'Dealing with Death vs Getting on with it.pdf
Dealing with death is the topic of one 2009 submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland

Personal Submission - Care for sister dying from Leomysarcoma.pdf
A personal submission on care for sister dying from Leomysarcoma to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland 2009.

Personal submission - Birth as death and death as birth.pdf
A submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland dealing with birth and death.

Personal submission - benefit of hospice care.pdf
The benefit of hospice care is discussed in a 2009 personal submission to the Forum on end-of-life care.

Personal submission - advice on end-of-life care.pdf
A submission giving advice on end-of-life issues to the Forum on end-of-life written by a nurse and former family carer.

Personal submission - Advice and support of advance directives.pdf
A submission stressing the importance of advance directives made by a survivor of a life-threatening illness.

Personal  submission - Spirituality at end of life.pdf
A member of the public discusses the importance of spirituality in end-of-life care in a submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Perosnal submission - death of mother & poem.pdf
A member of the public write's about her own mother's death in a submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland 2009.
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