Browse Items (48 total)

Humanist association of Ireland.pdf
The Humanist Association of Ireland's submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland following a call to the public.,

IBEC Forum on End of Life in Ireland March 2009.pdf
An IBEC submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland following a call to the general public in 2009.

Muscular Dystrophy Ireland Submission to Submissions to Forum on End of Life  22.04.09.pdf
A submission from Muscular Dystrophy Ireland to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland following a call to the public in 2009.

Neurological Alliance of Ireland - Forum on End of Life in Ireland Submission 22.04.09.pdf
A submission from the Neurological Alliance of Ireland to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland following a call to the public in 2009

Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin - Submission to forum on end-of-life in ireland.pdf
A submission from Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin - to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland, March 2009

Anonymous - Story 8.pdf
Death of a five year old girl in a public hospital detailed in submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland in 2009.

Anonymous - Story 15.pdf
Mother recounts the death of her four year old boy in hospital in submission to Forum on end-of-life.

Personal submission - Nurse, supporting people with intellectual disabilities.pdf
Supporting people with an intellectual disability at end-of-life is discussed in a 2009 submission to Forum on end of life in Ireland.


Personal submission - Advice and support of advance directives.pdf
A submission stressing the importance of advance directives made by a survivor of a life-threatening illness.

Anonymous submission.pdf
The death of a child in a public hospital is the focus of this submission to the Forum on end-of life.
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