Browse Items (48 total)

Personal submission - standards of care for terminally ill in  hospitals.pdf
An eye witness account of the standards of care terminally ill father received in hospital in a submission to the Forum on end of life in Ireland.

Personal submission - social worker, people with intellectual disability.pdf
A social worker, discusses end -of- life issues for people with an intellectual disability and their families in a 2009 submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland

Personal submission - religious customs of the dying.pdf
A nurse talks about religious customs and the dying person in a submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland 2009.

Personal submission - recognition of advance directives by Irish law.pdf
A community occupational therapist argues in favour of advance directives or living wills in a 2009 submission to the Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Personal submission - questions about palliative care.pdf
A member of the public raises a series of questions about palliative care in a 2009 submission to the Forum on end-of-life Ireland.

Personal submission - Public Health Nurse.pdf
A public health nurse advocates for an Irish night nurse service to support people to die at home in a 2009 submission to Forum on end-of-Life.

Personal submission - patient wishes at end-of-life.pdf
Forum on end-of-life

Personal submission - partners death, poor communication.pdf
Communication surrounding the death of a partner is discussed in a 2009 submission to Forum on end-of-life in Ireland.

Personal submission - Nurse, supporting people with intellectual disabilities.pdf
Supporting people with an intellectual disability at end-of-life is discussed in a 2009 submission to Forum on end of life in Ireland.


Personal submission - nurse & former carer.pdf
A nurse and former carer's 2009 submission to the Forum on end of life in Ireland following a call to the general public.
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