Pictures from the first Forum on End-of-Life, March 2009

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Pictures from the first Forum on End-of-Life, March 2009


Attendees at the March 2009 forum on End of Life launch


Images of attendees at the March 2009 forum on the End of Life launch


march 2009


File format: JPEG


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Digital photographs


Audience at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009 (2).JPG
Audience at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Maurice Manning addressing Forum on End of Life 2009
Dr Margaret McCurtain (left) and Anne Merriman (right) at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Dr Mona Mc Garry at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Eugene Murrary (IHF CEO), Owen Metcalf (Institute of public health) and Denis Doherty (Chair IHF board) Forum on end-of-life Launch March 2009.jpg
Eugene Murray, Justice Catherine McGuinness, Marian Finucane, Cynthia Clampett, Denis Doherty - Launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
John Waters and Denis Conway.jpg
Launch of forum on end-of-life 2009.jpg
Launch of inagural session of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Left to right - Marian Finucane, Eugene Murray, President Mary McAleese and Denis Doherty launch the fourm on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Marian Finucane addressing forum on end-of-life launch March 2009.JPG
Marian Finucane, President Mary McAleese, Dr Cillian Twoomey at launch of forum on end-of-life.jpg
Marian Finucane, Vivien Jupp, Eugene Murray, Eileen Pearson, Cynthia Clampett at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
Musical interlude - forum on end-of-life launch March 2009.jpg
President Mary Mc Aleese launching the forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
President Mary McAleese arrives to launch the forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg
President Mary McAleese, Denis Doherty and John Waters at launch of forum on end-of-life March 2009.jpg


“Pictures from the first Forum on End-of-Life, March 2009,” Archives Hospice Foundation, accessed February 13, 2025,