Browse Items (4 total)

The Irish Hospice Foundation Centre for Death and Bereavement Studies - Strategic Long Term Plan - DRAFT, 2000
A draft of the strategic long term plan for the development of the Bereavement Education Centre.

Speech by Orla Keegan at the opening of Bereavement Education Centre, 2003
Speech made by Orlan Keegan, Head of Education and Research at the Irish Hospice Foundation, at the opening of the Bereavement Education Centre, 13th May, 2003

Minutes of the Bereavement Service Steering Committee<br />
Wednesday 29th March 2000
Minutes from the 29th of March meeting of the Bereavement Services Steering Committee, concerning the development of a Bereavement Education Centre.

Minutes of the Bereavement Service Steering Committee, Thursday 14th June 2000
Minutes from the 14th of June, 2000 meeting of the Bereavement Service Steering Committee, held in Fitzwilliam Place, planning the development of a bereavement education centre.
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