Browse Items (29 total)

Letter from John Quinn author with donation of copy of his book Sea of love, sea of loss ;Letters to Olive' dated May 23 2003.jpg
Letter from the author John Quinn to IHF CEO Jean Manahan with a donation of a copy of his book 'Sea of love, sea of loss; Letters to Olive' dated May 23 2003

Speech by Orla Keegan at the opening of Bereavement Education Centre, 2003
Speech made by Orlan Keegan, Head of Education and Research at the Irish Hospice Foundation, at the opening of the Bereavement Education Centre, 13th May, 2003

Caroline Pfeiffer, Library and Information Manager, 2003-2009
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Proposal 'Towards a chair in hospice studies' background.pdf
Following a number of proposals from the Irish Hospice Foundation research committee and Irish Universities on the development of a visiting professorship in Hospice Studies an appointment was made in November 2005.
Medical sociologist Professor…

HEBER Conference Sept 2003 with Dr Jack Morgan.pdf
A programme for the 11th HEBER Conference with guest speaker Dr Jack Morgan and Workshops held in September 11th - 13th 2003.

A proposal for the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot November 2003
The proposal for the Care for People Dying in Hospitals Pilot November 2003

Change of address notification card for moving of Irish Hospice Foundation offices to Morrison Chambers location January 2003.jpg
A jpeg image of a notification card for the moving of Irish Hospice Foundation offices to Morrison Chambers location in January 2003

Health Research Board Career Development Fellowshops, 2008
The Irish Hospice Foundation in partnership with the Health Research Board ran a research fellowship programme aimed at promoting and developing research and development in Palliative Care.

Irish Hospice Foundation, Research Strategy, 2003..pdf
A document outlining the research strategy of the Irish Hospice Foundation

Sample layout of ‘Peter and the Wolf’ book by © Ciarán Ó' Gaora Zero-G (3 Images) 2003
Three images of sample layouts of the ‘Peter and the Wolf’ book created by Ciarán Ó'Gaora of Zero – G design. Images kindly made available for the Irish Hospice Foundation archive by Ciarán Ó'Gaora. For display in Irish Hospice Foundation archive…
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