Browse Items (4 total)

A speech given by President of Ireland, Mary McAleese at the launch of the Forum on End-of-Life in Ireland, 2009.
A speech given by President of Ireland, Mary McAleese at the launch of the Forum on End-of-Life in Ireland, in Kilmanham Castle on 11th of March, 2009. The forum on end-of-life in Ireland aimed to engage the Irish public in a national conversation…

The Forum on End-of-Life was designed by the Irish Hospice Foundation to engender greater public discussion on end of life and the care of those at the end of their lives. However, the exercise was also very much a listening one, to identify…

Alan Kellehear Forum on end-of-life meeting Fitzwilliam Hotel Sept 16 2009.JPG
Images of Professor Allen Kellehear speaking at the End of Life meeting on September 16 2009 at Fitzwilliam Hotel
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