Browse Items (26 total)

End-of-Life-Care-in-the-ICU.-Denis-Casey (AHN37, March 2015).pdf
Presentation by Denis Casey at the June 2015 Acute Hospital Network Meeting

A diagram outlining the four areas of importance in end of life care.
A video introducing the concepts of advance care planning and starting conversations about your wishes for end-of-life care. The video features physicians involved with the Irish Hospice Foundation's Hospice Friendly Hospitals programme discussing…

Key Performance Indicators for End-of-Life-Care.pdf
Research on place of care and death in Ireland

HFH (2011) End of life care map.pdf
Thirteen page guide for hospital staff involved in any aspect of end-of-life care. 2011 version.

End-of-Life Care Map 2nd edition  2012.pdf
Thirteen page guide for staff dealing with end-of-life care. 2012 Version.

End of Life Care Map (2013 version).pdf
Thirteen page map designed for staff involved in any aspect of end-of-life care. 2013 version.

draft quality standards Final_Pub_Con_Report_18_05_2010.pdf
A response to the Public Consultation on Draft Quality Standards for End-of-Life Care in Hospitals.

End OfLife care for older people in acute and long stay care settings in Ireland.pdf
A report of the proceedings from the April 2008 Seminar End-of-Life Care for Older People in Acute and Long Stay Care Settings in Ireland
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