Browse Items (5 total)

The Bereavement Care Liaison Project.<br />
Final Report.
A final report concerning the success and effect of the Bereavement Care Liaison Project.

Poster on Bereavement Care Liaison Project.
A poster providing information relating to the Bereavement Care Liaison Project.

Advertisement for post of Bereavement Care Liaison Project Officer.
Call for application for the post of Bereavement Care Liaison Officer to work, providing information relating to the Bereavement Care Liaison Project and the desired characteristics for such a role.

Everything Has Changed Perspectives of those who have been bereaved on the need forbereavement services in the HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster area.
Report undertaken as part of the Bereavement Care Liaison Project, intended to provide insight into the perspectives of those who have been bereaved on the need for bereavement services in the HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster area.

"Bereavement Care Liaison Project Laois/Offaly and Longford/Westmeath.<br />
<br />
Summary of Year One Report, Vision Statement and Action Plan"<br />
<br />
Maria Costello on behalf of the Project Advisory Group.
A summary report of the first year of the Bereavement Care Liaison Project, undertaken by Maria Costello on behalf of the Project Advisory Group.
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