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Address to Naas and Newbridge Soroptimists by Dr. Mary Redmond thanking them for their fundraising including future hopes for Hospice care

The first leaflet produced by the Hospice Foundation which details the work of Our Lady's Hospice, Harold's Cross and how to donate

Invitation to the Launch of the Irish Hospice Foundation, April 21st 1986.

The speech includes notes from 1985 by Mary Redmond of visits to St. Joseph's Hospice in Hackney, meetings with Nicholas O'Conor and Sr. Frances Rose

George Byrne Interview Aug 18 2016.mp3
Information and Library Manager Laura Rooney Ferris interviews George Byrne, who was one of the first people to join the staff of the Irish Hospice Foundation. Byrne served as Business Manager from 1988 until his retirement in 2003. He still…
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