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Susan Delaney interview Sept 20 2016 (
Laura Rooney Ferris Information and Library Manager interviews Dr Susan Delaney Bereavement Services Manager of the Irish Hospice Foundation from 2000-2016 on September 20 2016. Susan talks about her time with the Irish Hospice Foundation, including…

Irish Library News with feature of Bereavement Bibliotherapy booklet, 2010
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Laura Rooney Ferris and Marie Lynch of the Irish Hospice Foundation at Living with Loss 2014
Laura Rooney Ferris and Marie Lynch of the Irish Hospice Foundation at Living with Loss, the Irish Hospice Foundation Public Information Evening, November 06, 2014.
Picture Colm Mahady / Fennells - Copyright 2014 Fennell Photography.

Laura Rooney Ferris and Marie Lynch
Irish Hospice Foundation staff members Laura Rooney Ferris, information & library manager, and Marie Lynch, programme development manager, pose together at 'Living with Loss', the IHF Public Information Evening on November 01, 2013.
Picture by Shane…
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