Browse Items (11 total)

Letter from Davis Coakley (William Stokes Post Graduate Centre, St. James's Hospital) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at St. James's Hospital
A letter from Davis Coakley, director of postgraduate medical education at St. James's Hospital, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula of the hospital's medical programmes, dated July 28, 1988. Letter is in…

Letter from Fionan O'Cuinneagain (Irish College of General Practitioners) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCD medical school
A letter from Fionan O'Cuinneagain of the Irish College of General Practitioners, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula of the college's medical programmes, dated July 27, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from Therese Brady to fellow IHF Research Committee member Nicholas O'Conor regarding correspondence with medical school faculty
A letter from Therese Brady, member of the Irish Hospice Foundation Research Committee, to IHF Research Committee Chairman Nicholas O'Conor regarding (among other things) the responses he had received to a letter sent to medical school faculty in…

Letter from Therese Brady (UCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCD medical school
A letter from Therese Brady of the Department of Logic and Psychology at University College Dublin, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula of UCD medical programmes, dated August 19, 1988. Letter is in…

Letter from Dr. S.M. Lavelle (UCG) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCG medical school
A letter from Dr. S.M. Lavelle, professor of experimental medicine at University College Galway, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula at UCG medical school, dated July 13, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from M.G.T. Webb (TCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at TCD medical school
A letter from M.G.T. Webb, professor at Trinity College Dublin Department of Psychiatry, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula in TCD medical programmes, dated August 01, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from Dr. Mary Young (TCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at TCD medical school
A letter from Dr. Mary Young, director of the School of Occupational Therapy at Trinity College Dublin, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula at the school, dated July 13, 1988. Letter is in response to…

Letter from Dr. James McCormick (TCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at TCD medical school
A letter from Dr. James McCormick, professor at Trinity College Dublin Department of Community Health, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula in medical education at Trinity College, dated July 19, 1988.…

Letter from Dr. Geoffrey Bourke (UCD) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCG medical school
A letter from Dr. Geoffrey Bourke, professor and dean of the faculty of medicine at University College Dublin, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula at UCD medical school, dated July 28, 1988. Letter is in…

Letter from Dr. Denis O'Sullivan (UCC) regarding death, dying and bereavement instruction at UCC medical school
A letter from Dr. Denis O'Sullivan, professor of medicine at University College Cork, regarding the inclusion of matters of death, dying and bereavement in curricula at UCC medical school, dated July 18, 1988. Letter is in response to correspondence…
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