Browse Items (24 total)

Caroline Pfeiffer, Library and Information Manager, 2003-2009
The Irish Hospice Foundation’s Therese Brady Library and Information service was launched in 2003 as a part of the Bereavement education function of the Irish Hospice Foundation.

The Library was named after Thérèse Brady, Director of Postgraduate…

Annual Report by David Clark, Visiting Professor of Hospice Studies 2007.pdf
Second annual report created by visiting professor David Clark. Following a number of proposals from the Irish Hospice Foundation research committee and Irish Universities on the development of a visiting professorship in Hospice Studies an…

Post Grad Dip 2007 2008 Dec Grad.jpg
Postgraduate diploma in bereavement studies graduates 2007/2008

Health Research Board Career Development Fellowshops, 2008
The Irish Hospice Foundation in partnership with the Health Research Board ran a research fellowship programme aimed at promoting and developing research and development in Palliative Care.

Future of Palliative Care Education In Ireland: A Discussion Paper
A paper, written by the Planning Group of Round Table of Palliative Care Education in Ireland, outlining the future of palliative care education in Ireland.

Nikki and Fred launching Sunflower Days, 2007
Image of Nikki (left) and Fred (right) launching Sunflower Day 2007.

Mervyn Taylor speaking at the launch of Design and Dignity baseline review.
Image of Mervyn Taylor, programme manager speaking at the launch of Design and Dignity baseline review.

Mervyn Taylor speaking at the launch of the Design and Dignity baseline review.
Image of Mervyn Taylor, programme manager speaking at the launch of the Design and Dignity baseline review.

Professor Cillian Twomey and Mervyn Taylor at the Launch of the Design and Dignity baseline review.
Image of Professor Cillian Twomey (left) and Mervyn Taylor (right) from the launch of the Design and Dignity baseline review.

Professor Cillian Twomey at the launch of Design and Dignity baseline review.
Image of Professor Cillian Twomey (left) at the launch of the Design and Dignity baseline review.
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